Shortdark Software Development


Development 30th Jul 2016. Time to read: 1 min


You can see my public git repos at my GitHub profile.

Some Personal Websites

Here are some websites I've set up at various points as part of different personal projects I've worked on...

  • React PWA/TailwindCSS, 2022. Previously Vue PWA/BulmaCSS, 2020, and HTML/jQuery, 2016.
  • (no longer online) Python/Flask, 2021.
  • Vue.js/TailwindCSS with Laravel back-end, 2021. Separated into an API with separate static front-end, 2022. Previously jQuery/Bootstrap CSS, 2019.
  • PHP, no framework, 2015.
  • Originally ASP then PHP. Was once a website to upload and store images online, similar to photobucket or imgur, there were several thousand users and several tens of thousands of uploads, 2002.

Mobile Apps

My personal app lists on the app stores:

Individual apps...

  • UK MPG Calculator app - React Native/Node/MongoDB. App originally made by modifying code from a tutorial, uses Expo with a NoSQL database, 2022.

  • MPG Multi Vehicle app - Flutter/Firebase. Having worked on a lot of javascript in the past few years I thought I'd take a look at Flutter. This app also uses Firebase instead of an API, 2024.

Composer Packages

See my PHP composer packages at my Packagist profile, includes tests.

  • shortdark/socket 2021 Creates a date-based SVG graph with up to 10 lines (or more, if required) from an array. It's a composer package based on my first Git repo from 2014. I use this code myself in a couple of places. I've tried to make it general enough that someone else might be able to use it, and at the same time make it fit my own purposes.

WordPress Plugins

I have three WordPress plugins.

  • Post Volume Stats 2016 Look at your own posting patterns and export the results to your posts and the widget in your sidebar.

  • Add Target Fixer 2016 This is currently a very simple plugin that solves the potential security issue of target="_blank" (sometimes referred to as Target Blank). While it is very simple now I plan to add extra features to it.

  • Javascript CSS Accordion 2019 This plugin uses plain javascript to add Accordion functionality to a WordPress blog.