The basic way to use “find” would be something like this…
find / -name "filename.txt"
So, for example, it’s been a few years since I looked at my CV and I’ve rearranged the SSDs since then so I couldn’t actually find a CV of mine recently. I knew the filename of my CV began with my name, so I did a search like this where the ”*” character is a wildcard…
find / -name "neil-ludlow*"
To silence permission errors use…
… and to actually search the places where you might get permission errors use sudo
To find my CV I could also search like this, -iname
is a case-insensitive name, and I’m using more wildcards and specifying the filetype…
find / -iname "*neil*ludlow*.pdf" 2>/dev/null
In this case, I had no idea where my CVs were, so I had to search everything with the /
If I knew roughly where the file was, or which directory it was in, and I knew that it was a PDF, I could do something like this, for example…
find ~/Documents/ -iname "*neil*ludlow*.pdf" 2>/dev/null
The universal list command which works on most terminals (Linux, Mac, Windows) is…
This gives a list of filenames that spread across the terminal in columns.
If I want a single list, i.e. one column, with slightly more data such as date and filesize, I can use this on Linux…
ls -al
Because I use the Ubuntu flavour of Linux, I can simplify ls -al
What this will show is the contents of a directory, including any other directories that may be inside it.
To actually list the contents of a directory, and see the contents of the subdirectories in the same list, I can use find
find ~/Documents/ -ls
I could also do something like this using the ls
or ll
commands, but it looks different on the screen, grouping the different subdirectories instead of presenting one long list…
ls ~/Documents/ -Ralll ~/Documents/ -R
By combining find with grep we can search based on the contents of the file…
find . -iname "*.mdx" -exec grep -Hi communication {} \;
in find is searching the current directory.
in grep means print the filename for each match.
in grep means to ignore case, i.e. case-insensitive.
When I do this search in the directory where I keep the posts for this website, I currently get four posts returned. The search gives one line per occurrence of the word “communication” inside each file, so 12 lines in total. I could use something like this in a bash script to rank each post based on the number of times a word appeared in the content.
Going back to my search for my CV.
If I had no idea where the CV was, I’d use the /
In that case, the search results may be returning a lot of directories as well as files.
To specify that I only want to see files, I could do this…
find / -iname "*neil*ludlow*.pdf" -type f 2>/dev/null
The -maxdepth
flag limits the amount of recurring levels find will go into.
Searching for just the top-level directories in your home directory would be…
find ~/ -type d -maxdepth 1
Exactly 1024 bytes…
find /tmp -type f -size 1024c
Less than 1MB, the ”-” prefix…
find /tmp -type f -size -1M
Greater than 2MB, the ”+” prefix…
find /tmp -type f -size +2M
find / -type f -empty
Go back one day…
find ~/ -mtime 1
measures from the beginning of today, rather than from 24 hours ago.
So, for all the files in your home directory that were modified yesterday…
find ~/ -mtime 1 -daystart
Or, something like this might be more useful, list all the PNGs that were modified yesterday…
find ~/ -daystart -type f -mtime 1 -iname "*.png" -ls
Find the files with a permission of “644”…
find ~/ -maxdepth 2 -perm 644 -ls
See, also, these work slightly differently because of the ”/” and ”-” prefixes…
find . -perm /444
find . -perm -664
Find abd list files with my username…
find ~/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -user neil -ls
“www-data” is the user for a webserver. To change files owned by the webserver and to assign them to another user you can do something like this…
find / -user www-data -type f -exec chown someoneelse {} \;
Use with caution, best to list the files first to check before running again and deleting…
find /var/log/ -name `*.temp` -delete
As with all the main build-in Linux commands, there is help available on the command line…
find --help
There is also Findutils documentation online, including the manual GNU Findutils manual.
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